Monday, June 25, 2012

Creativity flourishes under the ideal psychological conditions that result from a self engaged in expanding ever more enriching modes of experience. New forms of experience present new meanings, some offering new values. Values that promote greater harmony between the individual and the environment provide avenues for growth, which fortify the self and foster the unfolding of further potential. This is valuable not only to the growing individual but also to society” (Uffelman, 2011p. 329)

Dewey extols experience as the place of learning—a pedagogy of infinite possibility.  My Cagli experience jump-started early in the morning on the first day of class. I took a hike with a friend on a ridge a mile outside the city walls. He knew the ridge and scaled it goat-like; he did not know about my acrophobia. After 50 feet, he asked if I had problem with heights but by then retreating was a paralyzing option. In the 45 minute 35ish degree assent I was clinging to roots and rocks and mostly crawling, nauseous, dizzy and unconcerned about bleeding, torn clothes, and bruised legs…my guide oblivious to the internal agony, continually urging me upward, cautioning me not to look back or down and deaf to my cursing and claims that I could not go on…”forward facing…always forward facing!” Arriving at the top, I stood with my hands raised in victory…fortified and bursting with metaphor.

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