Monday, January 17, 2011

an easy reflection

M.C. Escher  "Bond of Union"
 "When my experiencing of this moment is present in my awareness and when what is present in my awareness is present in my communication, then each of these three levels matches or is congruent. At such moments I am integrated or whole, I am completely in one piece....congruence is the fundamental basis for the best of communication." 

Carl Rogers.."Experiences in Communication"

"I don't know you because of who you are (by race, religion, ethnicity, sex, etc) but by who you are becoming in an experience of communication...identities are never fixed, but are rather under constant re-creation..." 
Gregory Shepherd in Communication as Transcendence

I am determined to maintain some kind of regular record of my new life path.  Right now I am  experiencing a pleasant exhaustion from a day full of writing, reading  and other kinds of communicating so.....I am posting some of the highlights from some (now familiar)books in lieu of a original post.

"What makes the act of two persons speaking to one another a conversation for them and a densely significant communicative act or event..." 
Jeffery St. Johns--Communication as Perspectives on Theory page xiv

"The majority of students he talked with on more than one hundred campuses are in 'political retreat' believing that the world is indeed unfair and the future precarious, but that they have little possiblity for altering it."
Jane Rinehart McDonaldization Revisited p.24

"Rogers believed that his clients' health improved when his communication created a safe environment for them to talk."
Communication: A First Look at Communication Theory, Em Griffin p 50

Carl Rogers is a new man in my life. I have read he is considered to be a radical communicator (maybe not to be trusted) ...As one tired of mundane and guarded communicators, I find Carl refreshing and look forward to a more intimate knowledge of him in days to come:

"When...someone really hears you (concentrated listening)  without passing judgment on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels damn good."
Carl Rogers in A Way of Being

"What I really dislike in myself is not being able to hear the other person because I am so sure in advance of what he is about to say that I don't listen." 
Carl Rogers in A Way of Being


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the posting. Very, very interesting for me at this particular point!
