Saturday, January 29, 2011

Embryonic Philosophy of Communication

I am in process of developing a personal philosophy of communication. My focus is in three arenas: intrapersonal dialogue, interpersonal dialogue, and organizational dialogue. This may mean little to the reader of this post, but it serves as an ongoing record of my work at this time.  Marty 

“Communication is the simultaneous experience of self and other…transcending one’s current self, overcoming one’s current self, to become more than what one was through connection with another."(G.S.Shepherd in "Communication as Transcendence")  I support this definition cautiously and humbly as one that resonates with my developing philosophy of communication that builds upon a healthy intimate engagement with the inner dialogue. From this place we are better equipped to creatively and boldly embrace the other(s). Both of these working together form a place for a dynamic expression in the larger world of organizational vision.

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