Sunday, May 29, 2011

night arrival in rome

As we prepared to leave Dublin, our plane was grounded for an hour or so because of the volcanic ash cloud drifting over from Iceland. We arrived late in Rome. I was slightly anxious about how this next leg of my trip would pan out...The "helpless-looking woman" look works well. I found unexpected and gracious aid in a friendly (albeit too friendly) tall bearded hippie type man. He spoke some English and he led me to the baggage claim. My two bags were among the very last to appear. This problem solved, I began wondering how I was going to get to my hotel and the meeting/dinner already in session.

I approached several safe and official-looking Italians who guided and warned me: Taking anything but a "white taxi" is not good...and ignore the other solicitations from unlicensed drivers. Preventing my imagination from what could happen if I took the wrong taxi, I found an American businessman and he took me to the place I needed to be to catch my ride...The small white Fiats lined up and ushered passengers and their baggage into their clean vehicles.

My driver was young and almost toothless...friendly...called himself "Vennie." We communicated successfully the location of the hotel and then took off with the loud local radio station blaring..and Vennie laughing out loud at some of the comments from the DJ.....125 mph is not an exaggeration. Honking and weaving in and out of traffic ...we went on freeway kinds of roads and single narrow lanes arriving at the hotel just as the meeting with my class was concluding.

I gave him 50 euro and he gave me a large smile. I wish I had thought to take his picture.

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