Sunday, May 29, 2011

the route to rome

from my window...the dome of St.
Peter's peeking above the roof ....
I am in my room in Rome. It is a older hotel with a cage-like elevator, marble stairs, ten foot ceilings, and a less than friendly desk clerk. Duties press: my bed is unmade and suitcases are askew, but priority calls me to record some of my experiences and responses to them...I am listening to the bells at the St Peter's as I sit at my desk by the window...and able to see the dome of the church peeking above the building across the's all pretty amazing.

I think I am finally rested from my 30 hour journey to Rome via New York and Dublin. I had two lengthly layovers and enjoyed my time reading, walking, and observing other travelers. The flight on Aer Lingus to Dublin was especially delightful. The plane was huge with two aisles and congenial flight hostesses with heavy Irish accents. The day I rode was the celebration of Aer Lingus' 75th anniversary. They are great supporters of UNICEF and show on plane videos of the work of the organization. Everything about that flight was superb and complete with a freckle-faced Patrick.

Patrick was going home to Dublin after his first year at the College of Manhattan studying government and political science. He told me how he enjoys the US but looks forward to the slower pace of Ireland for the summer. During our entire flight Patrick watched movies while I slept off and on.

In Dublin I began to see how very different the people seem to approach technology and time. The only internet access was in kiosks and cost 6 euros per hour...a slow connection as well so that translates to probably twice the fee and then the rate of conversion...maybe 15 euros per hour...!!

My phones  and internet useless, I resigned myself happily to disconnection and enjoyed my short visit to Ireland.

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