Sunday, February 6, 2011

committed deviants

In my conservative adult life I never read the New York Times. In recent years, though, I have had a high regard for much that I read there. My understanding of its place in the scheme of things is broadened. I guess we would all like to think that these powerful media kingpins  possess impeccable integrity, but probably few of us can claim that, so we probably should not be too disappointed that these Supermediapowers may also walk on the shady side.  British Prime Minister William Pitt succinctly stated, "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it." Awareness of the propensity of the media to set agenda and for large portions of the population to blindly buy into acceptable ways of thinking certainly goes a long way toward providing us clarity and objectivity as we listen to what mass media dispenses.
I find comfort in the small group of “doubting Thomas” journalists (e.g. the Knight Ridders, Bob Simon, etc) It is heartening to know there are brave and discerning souls out there serving as a voice for objectivity at risk of job and reputation. Moscovici, the French psychologist, lauds the valuable impact of these “committed deviants” on public opinion. If so, we might hope for an growing membership.
I have been outside the TV grid for about 20 years or more. I am not certain this is a positive thing, but it has served to shield me somewhat from the impact of that commanding mass media tool. Communication theorist, Noelle-Neuman “regards all types of media as agents of that hypothetical sixth sense” whereby we sense the social climate . Culture testifies to the persuasiveness of Oprah. This is a household name to many who follow her daily. I wonder if being part of that bunch of “committed deviants” who serve as a contemporary Paul Reveres ( mass media could be lying, mass media could be distorting), might entail aborting the influence of these types of personalities by either curbing our viewing or by being more intentional and aware when we do engage those potent influencers.

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