Tuesday, February 22, 2011

notes on art-making and dialogue

I am investigating the role of the visual arts as a means of providing ease of entrance into deep and healing dialogue. The process of art-making holds the potential of moving the individual participant into a distinctively positive psychological condition. Movement from left to right brain functioning is a common experience among visual artists and is attended by consistent sensations or mental states that are considered desirable. I have personally experienced this and have repeatedly heard students describe the benefits. Some of those experiences have been expressed as:
·        a general sense of well-being
·         feeling a sense of empowerment/security in owning this activity as a creative resource
·         an increased awareness of  intrapersonal communication and self-talk
·         confidence in the ability to be genuinely creative
·         a greater openness to the world
Deep and healing dialogue can occur when right brain processes are combined with an intentionally safe environment, unconditional acceptance and dialogic intention and facilitation. Positive benefits do surface.   Martin Buber's work in dialogics provides a rich foundation for understanding the healing transition from what he calls the “I-it” to the “I-Thou” of essence dialogue that offers rare transformative engagement.
 “It is characteristic for I-Thou relations that only in them real encounter happens when all is
left behind, all preconceptions, all reservedness is given up, when one fully engages in the
encounter with the other and carries on a real dialogue with him. The relation to the Thou is
immediate." Martin Buber

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