Wednesday, June 1, 2011

on to florence

I have a warm place inside for Rome. When the wheels of our plane hit Italian tarmac, a girl across the aisle let all the passengers know how happy she was to be here by shouting a loud affirmation ...I quietly shared her enthusiasm. This is the first real visit to European soil for me and Rome is the first place I engaged. I think it will always be special for that reason.
After three days of intensive guided sightseeing, cappuccinos at sidewalk cafes, and pastas between generous glasses of vino, we left to do the same in Florence…Firenze.
Our luxury bus took us on a three hour journey through the hills between Rome and Florence with intermittent views of ancient walled cities and neatly groomed fields. At one point I remarked to Dr. Caputo that the lay of the land looks a bit like Kansas if it weren’t for the Apennines east of us.
About halfway to our destination we stopped for lunch and a bathroom break. Italian fast food is supreme. I had a tiny cappuccino, some kind of flatbread with cheese and spinach, and some amazing French fries…for about five euro.
The language issues are not huge for Americans in Italy. Mostly the Italians are acclimated to American tourists, but it feels a bit selfish to expect them to figure us. I really want to learn the language ….and the coins…We place little value on our coins but Italian coins are valued at whole euros. What feels like a couple of dollars in my pocket may be 10 or 12.

We arrived at our hotel in Florence early in the afternoon...The Atheneum on Via Cavour and prepared for a brief overview of the city with our instructors and an impromptu tour guide...

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