Thursday, June 2, 2011

a priestly view of florence

We met in the hotel lobby shortly after arriving in Florence. Dr. Caputo recruited Father Bruno to give us a brief walking tour of the city. Bruno is an instructor at Gonzaga-Florence and has lived in the city for 30 years. He served as our lively guide to some of the secrets of Florence.

Numerous times Bruno remarked... "Florence was built on towers." He would point out the many towers that are today imbedded within other structures, though many still stand alone. "Watch for the layers" pointing to the evidence of the oldest structure overlaid by other facades and additions. A circle of concrete below the Duomo indicates the landing place of the golden sphere that plummeted from the very top of the church.

Had I taken the care to jot notes in my Moleskin while Bruno shared, I would have more to post about this delightful and engaging personalized tour. I will add later as I remember details.

Bruno and Dr. C invited us to dinner at La Spada (sp). He told us to ask for the Bruno special.

We arrived at La Spada at 6:30. We were seated and told that the serving did not begin for thirty we sat and this point there were eight of us. Enoch, Dr. C, and Dr. Carey joined us later. This was another of several evenings in this past week containing common elements: great pasta, amazing desserts, good wine, and excellent conversations. About 2/3 through the meal and already several bottles of vino, Fr. Bruno arrived with a magnum of red vino as a gift to the Gonzaga group. The conversations and laughter increased in volume..."Fine wine is art you can drink. It is liquid quintessence of the earth's bounty: proof, as Benjamin Franklin observed, 'God loves us and loves to see us happy.'"

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